Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Without naming names, I come from a long line of negative thinkers. As a child, I have no recollection of anyone in my family even attempting to offer any positive reinforcement regarding my future. Oh, except for one time when I was watching Mr Universe and my uncle said he thought I would be Mr Universe someday. It’s funny how encouragement sticks with you no matter how ridiculous it is!

Despite not having anyone to be the “wind beneath my wings,” I always believed I would succeed in life and that there was no such thing as an impossible dream.. I’m not sure where my self-assurance came from, but I’m grateful it was a trait I was born with. I admit there have been plenty of situations that challenged my confidence, but nothing has ever kept me down for very long. For me, the thought of not being able to overcome a hurdle, no matter how tall and deep, is absurd. My general mental attitude is one of perseverance and victory.

Even if a person is not born with a natural “never give up or give in” attitude, I truly believe it can be acquired. It’s all a matter of learning how to program your subconscious with correct thoughts and beliefs. For instance, you may have a deep subconscious belief that no matter how hard you try, you never get a break. Most don’t realize it, but a belief like that acts like a powerful magnet to your external world. The more you hold on to that notion, you will continually repel anything good that is trying to come to you.

These negative beliefs that are embedded in our subconscious can be identified in a number of ways. One indicator of what we are really thinking is how we feel. All bad feelings are caused by unfulfilled desire and not being aligned with our true or authentic selves. If I start feeling restless, agitated, sad or any other negative emotion, I immediately ask myself, “What am I thinking that is causing me to feel this way?” As an example, I was dealing with the loss of some work assignments last November and December. And it looked like it might continue indefinitely, which would greatly affect my income.

At first, I was handling it well and was continually reinforcing to myself that I would always have enough money - even more than I needed. But after several weeks of that, and not seeing any sign of things changing, that old subconscious belief that I am destined to struggle financially reared its ugly head. And then the inevitable happened; I started to feel worried, nervous and very stressed. Those emotions were blocking my positive money energy and I knew if I allowed them to control me, I would continue struggling with finances. So I began to use the flip switch technique, which I learned from renowned Motivation Guru Anthony Robbins.
Whenever those bad feelings would start welling up, I affirmed things like “Money is easy for me to come by,” “I always have more than enough money,” “There is always more money coming in than going out,” “I use my fortune to bless others,” etc.”

In other words, I re-programmed my subconscious to one of abundance instead of lack. Not only did I begin to feel great again, work started flooding in from unexpected sources. I’m having a banner year and it’s only January!

The Bible says that a man becomes what he thinks he is. Great philosophers have continually told us the same thing - that our thoughts are the cornerstone to wealth, health, fulfilling relationships, peace and emotional/mental wholeness. It doesn’t matter where we came from, how much support we’ve lacked, what we look like, our current financial state, or any other external factor. We have all been giving the incredible gift of thought and are fully equipped to utilize this gift for our benefit and the benefit of mankind.
I think that’s amazing!!!

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About Me

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My name is Andrew Simpson and I am a Success Coach, teacher/trainer, Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur. I have been a business owner for more than 20 years (5 years online).One of my most lucrative only 18 months ago. I have been approached by several independent organization to help them with there plights to create money in the quickest time possible i.e. £100'000.00 in 7 days Ethical Business Challenge 2009 about half way down the page. Over 14 years ago I began my career as a Salesman and Marketing expert. Five years ago I’d had enough of the everyday slog and made the decision to apply all the knowledge that I had gained over the years into something that would benefit me directly, I resigned from my ‘day job’ and with courage and determination have set up my own super successful home business. Are YOU Ready? "YOU" are the most powerful tool to make it happen... Leaders are developed by enthusiasm and present their business by example. Spectators create unproductive habitual patterns, manifesting fear, watch and eventually fade away. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what".