Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Here at ONLINE200KPA, I investigate and practically dive into each and every money making program that I can find online that I believe is valuable and worth while to our visitors. I test trial each program meticulously review and note each Pro, Con, and Best Feature of each program and give only the top 3 money making programs online.
Would you like to make money at home? How about discover the best work at home programs? Then, learn from someone who has had 10 years experience in the “work at home business”. Learn how to start and build your own website for nothing. With absolutely no experience at all, as easy as 123. The simplest and cheapest way to drive traffic to your site. How to find affiliates for nothing down without spending a penny. And most important how to get multiple income streams for your site for free. You’ll learn about honest straight forward work at home programs to get you started easily. You can make money and begin your home business almost immediately because you have come to the only credible work at home program review sites online.

Over 14 years ago I began my career as a Salesman and started going from job to job tying to find that big break, what I quickly realised was the one person that was benefiting from my hard work and dedication was my M.D…sound familiar?
While I was working a 60 hours week leaving no time for my family and friends, clocking in and out every day like everybody else in the rat race my various bosses were taking every other day off to play golf and go on lavish summer holidays with their families. I wanted a slice of that for myself, I wanted to put the hours in and reap the rewards rather than putting in 150% and only get a small portion back in commission.

During the years that I was employed, I uncovered and tested every “work at home” system, every “make money” program and MLM in a book these included MLM’s such as Herbalife, Kleeneze, SMC, Goji juice and Xango Juice… the list goes on and on.
Five years ago I’d had enough of the everyday slog and made the decision to apply all the knowledge that I had gained over the years into something that would benefit me directly, I resigned from my ‘day job’ and with courage and determination have set up my own super successful home business.

Truth is, I’ve never had to be scared about money or worried about my bills…Not once since I left my job. Today, I can now give back most of my time to the make money at home market & home business field. These two fields have brought me an incredible amount of success, financial independence and most importantly personal freedom. That’s why I have dedicated my time to giving back to the Internet community and to help people like you. That brings us to what I’ve done with all the extra time that my home businesses have given me. I realized that I needed to write my knowledge and experiences down, So you don’t have to go through the same minefields on the Internet that I did. To help people like you and tell them about which ones are the best home business programs around and what programs are just hype. (I’m pretty sure you’d be surprised.)

If you are looking to start your own proven and legitimate home business opportunity Sign up for the free news letters. Then I highly recommend that you take a look at the programs I’ve reviewed on this site. . After carefully reviewing all the home business opportunities which I am currently promoting, these three are the ones which are making me the most amount of money. They are the ‘cream of the crop’ so to speak. You’ll also find that I have rated each program and given you my personal comments on how quick and easy each of these programs were to set up. I also commented on their overall success rate and tell you which of these programs have the best money making potential. I’ve done all the hard work and taken all the risk away from you. I’m sure my reviews will help you as they’ve helped thousands of others..
You’re friend in success,Andrew Simpson

P.S. – By the way…Thanks for taking the valuable time from your busy day to visit “ONLINE200KPA” website. I put a lot of late night and countless weekends, time and positive energy into creating it for you. So I know my recommendations will help you on your exciting journey to creating home business success and living a wealthier and more relaxed life style. You deserve it! I deserved it. If you’d like to contribute any of your own personal reviews on products which you have previously tried please let me know by emailing me at:


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About Me

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My name is Andrew Simpson and I am a Success Coach, teacher/trainer, Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur. I have been a business owner for more than 20 years (5 years online).One of my most lucrative only 18 months ago. I have been approached by several independent organization to help them with there plights to create money in the quickest time possible i.e. £100'000.00 in 7 days Ethical Business Challenge 2009 about half way down the page. Over 14 years ago I began my career as a Salesman and Marketing expert. Five years ago I’d had enough of the everyday slog and made the decision to apply all the knowledge that I had gained over the years into something that would benefit me directly, I resigned from my ‘day job’ and with courage and determination have set up my own super successful home business. Are YOU Ready? "YOU" are the most powerful tool to make it happen... Leaders are developed by enthusiasm and present their business by example. Spectators create unproductive habitual patterns, manifesting fear, watch and eventually fade away. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what".