Thursday, 13 November 2008


Finding motivation to achieve your goals could be the bridge that link towards its realization. Most of us have goals that we aspire to reach. It enables you to strive harder and do better in what you are currently doing, whether at home, school, or work. And when faced with obstacles, some people readily admit defeat and give up on their goals. Motivation is what keeps you from quitting and overcoming hurdles to keep your eye on the goal.

What is Motivation?

Goals are as diverse as people's personalities are. Goals can either be simple or complex such as a job promotion, vacation to a foreign country, buying a new car, or acquiring a scholarship. The same also goes with people's motivational needs. Hence, aiming towards your goals is no good without enough motivation that serves as your driving force to realizing them.

Despite constant planning and efforts to moving forward in your goal, failures or unexpected results could happen. Without enough motivation, you could easily give up. Therefore, motivation plays a crucial role in the process. Aside from focusing on the goal itself, think about what there is to you once you have achieved the goal. Is it personal achievement or rewards that you aim to reach? Then, you can devise ways to address your motivational needs.

How to Stay Motivated?

Here are ways to motivate yourself towards achieving your goals:

1. Think of the past and future.

This might seem confusing to others but you need to balance between your past achievements and what you intend to achieve in the future. Reminding yourself of previous accomplishments will give you the boost you need to double your efforts. After all, you have done it before and there is no way you cannot accomplish it this time.

2. Break it down to smaller goals.

When you have one major goal, better break them down into smaller and more accessible goals. Then, these smaller goals will serve as steps you take until you reach that major goal.

3. Change perspectives.

Whatever successes or failures you've encountered in the past, take lessons from out of it and motivate yourself to do better each time. Then, you would be able to focus on whatever it takes to get to your desired goal. If you find something isn't working in your efforts toward the goal, evaluate and change them if necessary.

4. Share your goals to others.

Letting others know about your goal works two-ways: it gives you that extra push to work on your goal and you can be assured that there are people that are willing to remind you in case you lose track of your goals.

Increasing Motivation

The best way to start with increasing your motivation is making a personal change. You will be amazed at how much power your mind holds over what you can do.

To start that change, ask yourself a series of questions:

What is my goal? - What do I need to achieve it? - What am I looking to achieve by realizing this goal?

These are just basic questions and you can add up the list if you want. The way you speak or act, and your priorities reflect your belief system. Hence, by reprogramming your belief system in such a way that it will facilitate towards working on your goal will make you more effective and motivated.

Finding the right motivation to achieve your goals might be that one thing that stands between its realization.

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate to
contact me :

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Motivation Management is about focus and as a human being we tend to focus on our values and beliefs. By changing or influencing values and beliefs we change focus and motivate ourselves or others. Values are hierarchical, they are what we deem important in terms of other important values, such as happiness is more important than security. Beliefs are what is possible and what is not, they are what we believe to exist and not exist, and this becomes the bases for logic of a person and sense of common sense.

We create our reality in terms of our values and beliefs filtering information we get from our senses, what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. What you see, hear and touch at any given time is not the actual reality, but deleted, distorted, and generalized information of the reality recreated in your mental mind. From this incomplete reality we filter things out or fabricate things in on the bases of our beliefs of how the world should be. The values we focus on makes us to ignore more of the incomplete reality that we have filtered out and only see, hear and touch the reality recreated.

The sensory acuity, values and beliefs are mostly based on experiences and memory of significant events, the world you recreate in your mental mind is unique. This tells us that how we communicate is a miracle but inefficient. Although we have the ability to communicate ideas that is understood by others, for this to happen we have to train the population for many years to see, hear and touch like everyone else. Culture, media, education, beliefs and values, most of these are forced upon us from birth and the irony is that we force it without the knowledge of the purpose.

Common sense and logic is really illogical when it comes down to the core of things. Every single one of us see the incomplete world in our point of view and what we think as what others might be thinking is just a speculation by seeing from others point of view. This becomes really inefficient if you don't know the others values, beliefs and experiences. From this understanding, wanting someone to think like you or expect someone to behave as you expect them to is just wishful thinking and illogical, and what we call common sense is really non-common sense and the only common sense one can have is to know that others do not share your point of view, logic or common sense.

Communication comes down to knowing what are the meaning or associations that is labeled when we use language. Most of us use language that assumes we know the meaning or association to the language, however, through right training and education one can hear how people are vague in their descriptions and the worst thing is we do not ask for clarity but instead fill in the gapes with what we have in mind as the meaning or association to the language the other has used. More fulfilling communication might give insight to the others or even your own values and beliefs, and could improve your influence on your or others motivation management.
Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate to contact me :

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Do Not Let Anyone Tell You That You Can Not Make a Million Pounds - Just Be Different
I call them Dream Killers

Motivation is the key to success in each of our lives. While success is something that is relatively personal, and means something different to everyone, the ultimate goal of success is to achieve a goal, or a set of goals. Let’s say that you asked ten different people what they feel an appropriate definition for success is, you may be surprised to find that each of these individuals have a different perception of success. While it is true that we all have our own perception of this term, there is one thing that remains consistent and unchanged, and that is that motivations is the key to success.

There are a number of things that get us excited. Let’s say that you got that new job that you have had your eye on, or you just discovered that it is quite possible to get started in a home based business that can be financially lucrative. Chances are, you are total psyched about your new found opportunity, right? This excitement that you experience during times in which you have been given an opportunity for success is a type of motivation. It has been found, in addition to excitement being a type of motivation, that motivation is also a type of excitement. In order to succeed in life, it is equally important to be excited about the dreams and aspirations that you have, and in turn, this will result in the motivation that is required to be successful.

Motivation comes with its share of complications. The most common complication that is experienced when it comes to motivation is staying motivated. While it may be easy to remain motivated for a short amount of time, it takes a great deal of discipline to stay motivated over the course of a long period of time. If you want to achieve success in your life, you must have a number of creative approaches that will assist in maintaining the proper amount of motivation to do so. It is absolutely necessary to ensure that you dedicate time each and every single day to the motivation that you need.

One of the first ways that you can achieve a heightened state of motivation is to read book that are available on the subject. There are a number of authors that are exceptional when it comes to sharing with their readers the secrets of success and motivation. These authors include Stephen Convey, John C. Maxwell, Dennis Waitley, and even Joyce Meyer. Just dedicating approximately fifteen to thirty minutes a day to the task of reading these types of books can be extremely helpful in motivating you while you work to achieve the success that you desire.

While this is just one example of a way that you can maintain a high level of motivation, it is a very positive and productive manner to stay on top of the excitement and motivation that you need to experience in order to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. By achieving these goals, you will easily become the master of your destiny. You will truly achieve the success that you anticipate. In addition to this, you will learn effective strategies for being the best person that you can be! Get motivated! This is the key to your success.

Think about it for a moment
What comes to mind when you hear this statement? Of course, there is no right or wrong answer to this. However, the first thing that pops into my mind when I hear this comment is “being resilient.” From a young age, I’ve always prided myself on being resilient and overcoming obstacles. It was drilled into my head that what does not kill me will only make me stronger. Whether it’s people or situations, adversity is truly just a part of life. How you respond will make a world of difference.The next time that you find yourself in a difficult predicament, I would like you to think about the following tips on how to Keep Moving Forward:

Don’t Allow the Situation to Overtake You - Keep busy with what is most important to you whether that is your family, job, friends, or just hobbies. Utilize this time to re-familiarize yourself with what makes you tick and how to be a better person. Do an honest assessment of your strengths & weaknesses and always strive to make the necessary improvements. I know that it sounds cliche but if you look hard enough, there is a silver lining around every dark cloud.
Focus - Think about the solution and not the problem. No matter how much you think about the problem, the reality is that you can not go back in time to change things. Living with regrets is a natural part of life but you can’t beat up on yourself. You have to know when to let things go. Focus your energy on making sure that your problem never occurs again by learning from the experience. After doing so, I’m sure that you will find this a better use of your time.

Have Great Surroundings - Some say that, “the strong stands alone” but I feel that having a great network of friends around is extremely critical in a time of need. This network of friends should be composed of people who wholeheartedly support you and are not just the ones who tell you what you want to hear. Great friends do not come around often so it is up to you to realize who falls into this category, so that you can reciprocate the same love and support for them.

Be Positive & Optimistic - The way you view things is everything! Personally, every time that I have ever been faced with adversity, I chalked it up to a growing. I always have total faith that my pain is only temporary. According to many books and/or individuals, some people actually embrace adversity since it helps to build character. Thinking long term with your goals and aspirations will definitely help keep things in perspective.

Remember That Success Is the Best Revenge - It’s a waste of energy to seek out revenge on anybody/thing that has brought you misery. Just live your life and be happy - I know that it’s easier said than done. The fact of the matter is that if someone has intentionally done you wrong, the last thing that they want is for you to be happy. Do not even think about this person and give them the satisfaction. Just do your best not to feed into their goal, realize that the worst thing that you can do to this person is to just be happy and successful.

Change is definitely inevitable. Once that concept is grasped, I believe that one will be able to master the art of Overcoming Adversity. A great quote that I think applies is, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Bottom line is that everyone will experience some sort of diversity within their lifetime but the choices you make will determine if you are going to be able to Keep Moving Forward !!!!!!!Think about it for a moment….What comes to mind when you hear this statement? Of course, there is no right or wrong answer to this. However, the first thing that pops into my mind when I hear this comment is “being resilient.” From a young age, I’ve always prided myself on being resilient and overcoming obstacles. It was drilled into my head that what does not kill me will only make me stronger. Whether it’s people or situations, adversity is truly just a part of life. How you respond will make a world of difference.The next time that you find yourself in a difficult predicament, I would like you to think about the following tips on how to Keep Moving Forward:
Don’t Allow the Situation to Overtake You - Keep busy with what is most important to you whether that is your family, job, friends, or just hobbies. Utilize this time to re-familiarize yourself with what makes you tick and how to be a better person. Do an honest assessment of your strengths & weaknesses and always strive to make the necessary improvements. I know that it sounds cliche but if you look hard enough, there is a silver lining around every dark cloud.
Focus - Think about the solution and not the problem. No matter how much you think about the problem, the reality is that you can not go back in time to change things. Living with regrets is a natural part of life but you can’t beat up on yourself. You have to know when to let things go. Focus your energy on making sure that your problem never occurs again by learning from the experience. After doing so, I’m sure that you will find this a better use of your time.

Have Great Surroundings - Some say that, “the strong stands alone” but I feel that having a great network of friends around is extremely critical in a time of need. This network of friends should be composed of people who wholeheartedly support you and are not just the ones who tell you what you want to hear. Great friends do not come around often so it is up to you to realize who falls into this category, so that you can reciprocate the same love and support for them.

Be Positive & Optimistic - The way you view things is everything! Personally, every time that I have ever been faced with adversity, I chalked it up to a growing. I always have total faith that my pain is only temporary. According to many books and/or individuals, some people actually embrace adversity since it helps to build character. Thinking long term with your goals and aspirations will definitely help keep things in perspective.

Remember That Success Is the Best Revenge - It’s a waste of energy to seek out revenge on anybody/thing that has brought you misery. Just live your life and be happy - I know that it’s easier said than done. The fact of the matter is that if someone has intentionally done you wrong, the last thing that they want is for you to be happy. Do not even think about this person and give them the satisfaction. Just do your best not to feed into their goal, realize that the worst thing that you can do to this person is to just be happy and successful.

Change is definitely inevitable. Once that concept is grasped, I believe that one will be able to master the art of Overcoming Adversity. A great quote that I think applies is, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Bottom line is that everyone will experience some sort of diversity within their lifetime but the choices you make will determine if you are going to be able to Keep Moving Forward !!!!!!!

Without naming names, I come from a long line of negative thinkers. As a child, I have no recollection of anyone in my family even attempting to offer any positive reinforcement regarding my future. Oh, except for one time when I was watching Mr Universe and my uncle said he thought I would be Mr Universe someday. It’s funny how encouragement sticks with you no matter how ridiculous it is!

Despite not having anyone to be the “wind beneath my wings,” I always believed I would succeed in life and that there was no such thing as an impossible dream.. I’m not sure where my self-assurance came from, but I’m grateful it was a trait I was born with. I admit there have been plenty of situations that challenged my confidence, but nothing has ever kept me down for very long. For me, the thought of not being able to overcome a hurdle, no matter how tall and deep, is absurd. My general mental attitude is one of perseverance and victory.

Even if a person is not born with a natural “never give up or give in” attitude, I truly believe it can be acquired. It’s all a matter of learning how to program your subconscious with correct thoughts and beliefs. For instance, you may have a deep subconscious belief that no matter how hard you try, you never get a break. Most don’t realize it, but a belief like that acts like a powerful magnet to your external world. The more you hold on to that notion, you will continually repel anything good that is trying to come to you.

These negative beliefs that are embedded in our subconscious can be identified in a number of ways. One indicator of what we are really thinking is how we feel. All bad feelings are caused by unfulfilled desire and not being aligned with our true or authentic selves. If I start feeling restless, agitated, sad or any other negative emotion, I immediately ask myself, “What am I thinking that is causing me to feel this way?” As an example, I was dealing with the loss of some work assignments last November and December. And it looked like it might continue indefinitely, which would greatly affect my income.

At first, I was handling it well and was continually reinforcing to myself that I would always have enough money - even more than I needed. But after several weeks of that, and not seeing any sign of things changing, that old subconscious belief that I am destined to struggle financially reared its ugly head. And then the inevitable happened; I started to feel worried, nervous and very stressed. Those emotions were blocking my positive money energy and I knew if I allowed them to control me, I would continue struggling with finances. So I began to use the flip switch technique, which I learned from renowned Motivation Guru Anthony Robbins.
Whenever those bad feelings would start welling up, I affirmed things like “Money is easy for me to come by,” “I always have more than enough money,” “There is always more money coming in than going out,” “I use my fortune to bless others,” etc.”

In other words, I re-programmed my subconscious to one of abundance instead of lack. Not only did I begin to feel great again, work started flooding in from unexpected sources. I’m having a banner year and it’s only January!

The Bible says that a man becomes what he thinks he is. Great philosophers have continually told us the same thing - that our thoughts are the cornerstone to wealth, health, fulfilling relationships, peace and emotional/mental wholeness. It doesn’t matter where we came from, how much support we’ve lacked, what we look like, our current financial state, or any other external factor. We have all been giving the incredible gift of thought and are fully equipped to utilize this gift for our benefit and the benefit of mankind.
I think that’s amazing!!!

Let’s begin the search for motivation by meeting you where you are in your current reality.If you are totally happy and content then it seems fairly obvious that you’ll have no driving desire for change,but at some point you may begin to consider other options and you begin to create a new desired outcome.
As this becomes clearer, your mind will begin to notice a gap between your current reality and this new desired outcome. As it works to hold these two different realities at the same time it creates a sort of creative tension. You may recognize this tension to resolve the difference between a desired outcome and current reality as Motivation! In concept it’s that simple - but as ever in life it’s not that easy. Over the next few minutes I’m going to introduce you to some of the mistakes people make when looking for effective motivation and explain one of the ways to create consistent motivation in your life.
Mistake number 1 is being vague:

You’ve probably hear that you need clear goals but what is wrong with vague goals.Well, once you’ve accepted that motivation is the creative tension to reduce the gap between current reality and your desired outcome, what do you think it would happen if the goal was vague?I think of it like this, if the goal is vague then the then the gap is less obvious to your mind so the tension is reduced. It gets even worse if you’re not being honest with yourself about your current reality because if both are vague then the gap will be very difficult to identify. It’s no surprise that under these circumstances, your motivation will be very low.

Mistake number 2 is making your outcomes too close too your current reality:

This occurs because the smaller the gap, the lower the tension or motivation to change.However this is what a lot of people do, they don’t like the feeling of tension of having a goal out in their future and they want to reduce the tension. What’s the quickest way to do that?That’s right move the goal closer to reality! This gives instant relief,but contains the seeds of its own destruction because, if you keep following this pattern, what happens? The desired outcome gets so close to current reality that there is no tension, so you stay stuck and wondering why your not motivated change?
So is the answer to keep your desired outcomes out in the future?
Well, yes and no because having your goals way out leads to the 3rd mistake
Mistake number 3 Dreaming:
Quite simply your desired outcome is so far out that you either don’t really believe you can achieve it - so there is no tension to change. Or it’s so far out in the future you can kid yourself there is no urgency to change -Result - No motivation!
So let’s assume you’ve got your desired outcome and current reality clear in your mind and you hold the goal fixed in your mind?How can your mind work to reduce the tension? If you hold the outcome fixed the only way it can reduce the tension is by getting you to take action to move current reality towards the desired outcome!
Is it really that simple?

Mistake number 4 the goal plateau:

Well yes, and no because as you move towards the outcome the tension reduces.This explains why many feeling feel a sense of anti-climax or lack of motivation after achieving big goals - the tension that has been driving them has gone so they feel flat.This is what I call the goal plateau!
So what is the answer?
It’s deceptively simple really - all you need to do as your approaching your goal is set another compelling outcome out in your future so that when you achieve you already have the motivation to keep moving forward. A quick warning here is that if you want to avoid feeling like a donkey with a carrot hanging in front of its nose you want to make sure that you recognize, or celebrate ticking of outcomes.If you follow this approach you’ll find that you’ll have more consistent motivation and you’ll achieve far more as a result.This ill also help you understand why it’s important to enjoy the journey to your desired outcomes.
Summary of Motivation Mistakes
Being Vague
Outcome too close to current reality
Outcome too far away from current reality (Dreaming)
Hitting the Goal Plateau
Secrets of Consistent Motivation
Working to continually understand what is important to you and how you will know when you have it.
Being open and honest with yourself about your current situation.
Celebrate “ticking off” your successes
Having a string of goals of realistic but challenging goals out in your future.


Motivation is key. We are all motivated to do certain things in our lives. We are motivated to make money so our families can live comfortably. We are motivated to make our house payment so we don’t live on the street. We are motivated to go see a good movie or go to a good restaurant so we actually have something new to talk about. Why is it so hard to keep motivated about the things that we know need to be done but just can’t get accomplished?
How are your finances? How is your love life? How is your time freedom? Aren’t these the things that we deem most important? They kind of get pushed aside when life gets in the way. Why do you think the country is so far in debt and that divorce is so high? Motivation comes from the desire to get something done, not from the need to get something done.
So, how can we create desire where there is none? There are seven steps to motivation. The first step is to set a major goal AND have a path towards it. The path is the important part. You can sit down and write goals until you are blue in the face. Unless they have a path they are not goals, they are wishes. Let’s say you have a goal of spending more time with your family. What is it going to take for you to be able to do that? Create a path that works for you and move on down it.

The second step:

Is to finish what you start. You may know by now that I have a very successful business. It wasn’t always so successful. We all have had days where we want to just stay in bed and let the world go by. You have to work at everything to become anything. Have you ever owned a business? Did you quit before success found you? How about that project that never got done or the garage mess that keeps growing? Your mind will be cluttered with those obstacles until you complete them.

The third step:

Is to socialize with others who have a goal and a path like yours. These like-minded people will keep you in the game. Create a mastermind group in your area so that you can keep motivated through the week. Maybe it could be a luncheon so you can kill two birds with one stone, eat and succeed.
The fourth step: Is to learn how to learn. I’ve said before that knowledge is NOT power, applied knowledge is power. If you could read a book each day that would be great, but if you never applied what you read, how would it ever benefit you? Learn how to apply what you’ve learned and you will master this step.

The fifth step:

Is to harmonize your natural talent with an interest that empowers. Do you love to meet new people? Do something that lets you meet someone new everyday. Do you love to play around on the internet? Do something that pays you to sit and stare at your computer. Motivation is temporary, empowerment is lingering. How can you be empowered?

The sixth step:

Is to increase knowledge that inspires. What inspires you? You could read a personal development book or learn something new about a hobby that interests you. There are also conference calls and articles that you could read that could inspire you to greatness. I hope that this and maybe some of my other articles have inspired you. How about learning a new word or finding a new inspirational quote each day? As long as you are inspired, you are motivated.

The seventh:

And last step is to always take risks. So what if starting a new venture is risky? Isn’t it riskier to keep doing what you’ve always done with no possibility of anything ever changing? You can do something about your situation. So get out there and do it already!

Here at ONLINE200KPA, I investigate and practically dive into each and every money making program that I can find online that I believe is valuable and worth while to our visitors. I test trial each program meticulously review and note each Pro, Con, and Best Feature of each program and give only the top 3 money making programs online.
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Over 14 years ago I began my career as a Salesman and started going from job to job tying to find that big break, what I quickly realised was the one person that was benefiting from my hard work and dedication was my M.D…sound familiar?
While I was working a 60 hours week leaving no time for my family and friends, clocking in and out every day like everybody else in the rat race my various bosses were taking every other day off to play golf and go on lavish summer holidays with their families. I wanted a slice of that for myself, I wanted to put the hours in and reap the rewards rather than putting in 150% and only get a small portion back in commission.

During the years that I was employed, I uncovered and tested every “work at home” system, every “make money” program and MLM in a book these included MLM’s such as Herbalife, Kleeneze, SMC, Goji juice and Xango Juice… the list goes on and on.
Five years ago I’d had enough of the everyday slog and made the decision to apply all the knowledge that I had gained over the years into something that would benefit me directly, I resigned from my ‘day job’ and with courage and determination have set up my own super successful home business.

Truth is, I’ve never had to be scared about money or worried about my bills…Not once since I left my job. Today, I can now give back most of my time to the make money at home market & home business field. These two fields have brought me an incredible amount of success, financial independence and most importantly personal freedom. That’s why I have dedicated my time to giving back to the Internet community and to help people like you. That brings us to what I’ve done with all the extra time that my home businesses have given me. I realized that I needed to write my knowledge and experiences down, So you don’t have to go through the same minefields on the Internet that I did. To help people like you and tell them about which ones are the best home business programs around and what programs are just hype. (I’m pretty sure you’d be surprised.)

If you are looking to start your own proven and legitimate home business opportunity Sign up for the free news letters. Then I highly recommend that you take a look at the programs I’ve reviewed on this site. . After carefully reviewing all the home business opportunities which I am currently promoting, these three are the ones which are making me the most amount of money. They are the ‘cream of the crop’ so to speak. You’ll also find that I have rated each program and given you my personal comments on how quick and easy each of these programs were to set up. I also commented on their overall success rate and tell you which of these programs have the best money making potential. I’ve done all the hard work and taken all the risk away from you. I’m sure my reviews will help you as they’ve helped thousands of others..
You’re friend in success,Andrew Simpson

P.S. – By the way…Thanks for taking the valuable time from your busy day to visit “ONLINE200KPA” website. I put a lot of late night and countless weekends, time and positive energy into creating it for you. So I know my recommendations will help you on your exciting journey to creating home business success and living a wealthier and more relaxed life style. You deserve it! I deserved it. If you’d like to contribute any of your own personal reviews on products which you have previously tried please let me know by emailing me at:


About Me

My photo
My name is Andrew Simpson and I am a Success Coach, teacher/trainer, Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur. I have been a business owner for more than 20 years (5 years online).One of my most lucrative only 18 months ago. I have been approached by several independent organization to help them with there plights to create money in the quickest time possible i.e. £100'000.00 in 7 days Ethical Business Challenge 2009 about half way down the page. Over 14 years ago I began my career as a Salesman and Marketing expert. Five years ago I’d had enough of the everyday slog and made the decision to apply all the knowledge that I had gained over the years into something that would benefit me directly, I resigned from my ‘day job’ and with courage and determination have set up my own super successful home business. Are YOU Ready? "YOU" are the most powerful tool to make it happen... Leaders are developed by enthusiasm and present their business by example. Spectators create unproductive habitual patterns, manifesting fear, watch and eventually fade away. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what".