Saturday, 10 January 2009

Just Do It !!!

"If you feel that you were off to a good start but are currently stalled, you need to admit to yourself that you have probably slipped back into your comfort zone. More than likely you have been deceiving yourself that you are making progress, but at the same time you are really not getting anywhere.

What you need to do is take action. Even if it is a very small action.

Nothing you can tell yourself, nothing you can say to others, nothing you can think or feel or imagine is going to get you out of the mental bog you're mired in.

The only thing that can rescue you is to take that next step.

Maybe you know what that is. If you know exactly what it is,


If you don't know, or aren't sure, allow you intuition to guide you. Do whatever you feel compelled to do, but do it NOW to get yourself going again -- even if it means entering your discomfort zone.

Dr. Robert Anthony

I can´t begin to tell you how important it is to stop making excuses, procrastinating, or just flat out being lazy. This is your business! And in order for you to profit from it you must invest some time and energy into it.

Many people get started thinking that it will be easy and cheap. The truth of the matter is that it can be both. But you have to be willing to make the initial effort.

Once you have done that, it will become easier. You will become more confident in your skills. Your ground work will be completed and you will begin to profit from your labors.

So what are you waiting for...Just Do It!

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate tocontact me :

Would Your life Change !!!

gn a dream life when you change your limiting beliefs and stop dealing with unhappiness, stress, grief, anger, my corporate job, my boss, my coworkers, negative friends, a broken heart, all of the ailments that you let hold you back from living your dreams.

The truth is when you plug into the glowing, powerful internal source that is already inside, you can masterfully design and live the life of your dreams. There is magic inside you, and when you tap into it, it tells you who you are and tells you about the enormous potential you have to give and to live a dream come true life. All you need is the key to unleash it.

But instead, you may cross your fingers and wish upon a star hoping and praying for a miracle that will improve your life. You do not realize the miracle is inside right now. Once you get clear on what it is you really want, all you have to do is latch onto the life altering power of focused intention, faith, belief and take action to see your dreams flourish.

Acting on your dreams can be simple when you connect to your hopes and aspirations. You may feel it with a fire in your belly kind of zeal or something warm and tender in your heart, but it continuously moves you forward to your dream.

Your purpose is not a big, looming goal you have to accomplish in your life. It is what makes you anxious to get out of bed. If you believe your purpose is to help people but you are unable to make enough money doing this, restructure your purpose. Do not keep waiting and hoping for the money to come. Your real purpose is hidden inside you right now. And, once you uncover it, you will create dreams that are a self portrait of the real you.

When you look at the possibilities in your life, feel the incredible level of power and energy. Feel the passion. Once you discover, or maybe rediscover, your passion you will be unstoppable! Because your passion is the driving force that propels your body, mind and heart toward your dreams.

The truth is, without a dream, all you have is reality. When you are steeped in reality, you slam the door on a wellspring of possibilities beyond your wildest dreams. The result is an empty feeling, like there is a hole in your heart as big as the missing dream you need to complete.

So if you find yourself staring at the ceiling at night, wondering is this all there is? longing for MORE in your life, then you should know right now that you were meant to have an abundant life. Everything is possible when you sincerely believe in your dreams, and have a heartfelt commitment to see them come true.

Imagine for a moment being able to live your best life right now and every day that follows, watching your deepest desires and fondest hopes flourish in front of you. When you change your thoughts, you change your reality.

By now, it should be crystal clear dreams really can come true. Now is the moment for your first step.

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate tocontact me :

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

If you think you Cant or you think you can ..your right !!

Why do some people move from one level of success to the next in live while others seem to be stuck in the same place they were five years ago? Successful people have tapped into a law that not many are either aware of or are willing to apply to their lives. It is the Law of Suggestion, and when used correctly and consistently, it has the power to turn your life around on a dime.

Henry Ford said, If you think you Cant or you think you can ..your right !! Jesus, Himself said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Who you are today and the level of failure or success you have achieved is in direct proportion to who you think you are and what you think you can achieve. You may be stuck right now; stuck in the same old job you hate, stuck in the bitterness of anothers betrayal to you, stuck in a body that is 50 pounds overweight; I don't care how stuck you are and for how long you have been stuck, you can walk out of it in the amount of time it takes you to think your next thought. Yes, it's the truth! There is a giant of success within you just waiting to be aroused and awakened by the power of your own suggestion!

Someone once asked this question, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time". You can walk out of your failure in any and every area of your life beginning with your very next thought. You must take captive the stinkin' thinkin' that has been allowed to run unchallenged in your mind. Negativity, self-doubt, procrastination, the lie that tells you, "This is the hand life dealt you and there is really nothing you can do about it, the lie that there are successful people, failures and mediocre people and they are born that way"; Hogwash! You are equipped to be anyone and anything you choose to be! The only difference between the successful and the failure is this, successful people engage themselves in positive self-talk and positive affirmations (both consciously and sub-consciously) daily. They are willing to fight for what they want to be and achieve, to sacrifice the momentary pleasure to live the enduring life they envision for themselves.

Are you ready to walk out of the muck and mire of defeat and failure and into the life you have always dreamed of? Then do it! Do it right now! It all begins with your very next thought. Refuse to think like a failure, replace every negative lie with a positive affirmation and remember this..."It's not what you do, it's what you keep on doing!" It takes 21 days to form any habit in your life, so be ready to fight the good fight of faith against negativity and before you know it, you will have formed a habit that will begin to direct your sub-conscience thoughts step by step right into the life you've always wished for but didn't know you could live. It's sort of like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ, Glenda, told her, "You've always had the power to be where you wanted to be", Dorothy says, "Why didn't anyone tell me it was as simple as clicking my heels three times and SAYING THE RIGHT WORDS?" Because you wouldn't have believed it before now!

The power of the spoken word and the spoken thought may seem too simple to be the answer to your getting un-stuck in life, but sometimes people stumble over the answer only because it seems too simple. We want a magic pill or some kind of epiphany but I'm telling you, at the end of the yellow brick road, you will discover you had the power within you all along!

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate tocontact me :

Lacking in Self Confidence and how to chnage it !!!!

The lack of self-confidence can prevent you from achieving your dreams and living the life you really desire. In order to live your dreams, you need to have healthy self-confidence--that is, while you don't delude yourself, you fully realize your own value, talents, and intelligence. The good news for you is that the lack of self-confidence is learned and, therefore, it can be unlearned.

To start the process of regaining your self-confidence, you have to start by working with your negative thoughts.

One of the worst negatives is all-or-nothing thinking. You might come to believe that you are not worthy of having anything you desire because you haven't reached a certain goal. With all-or-nothing thinking you have to be "perfect" or else you don't allow yourself to have anything at all. In your own mind, there is no credit for your efforts. You are not making any progress. You simply "are" or you "are not". Well, that's not reality.

Stop labeling yourself. Life is like a bottle of fine wine. Everybody reads the label, but few actually take a drink. You are who you are; you are not this or that. You are not your religion, you are not your past, you are not your job, you're not even your name.

Work on your fear of criticism. When you fear criticism you become paralyzed. You will not take the risks that all successful people take. Be independent of the good and the bad opinions of others. Listen to the critiques of others, but do NOT be controlled by them.

Be aware of your strengths. Take a sheet of paper and make a list of ten positive traits about yourself. Then, write a complete sentence about each one of them. For instance, write "I am a loving, attentive mother" or "I am problem solver" or "I always look for solutions instead of obstacles". This way you will become more aware of how you manifest those traits. Do this exercise every day for at least a week.

Take care of and appreciate your body. Eat healthy and groom yourself well. Stand in front of the mirror and instead of paying attention what's wrong notice what's right about your appearance. If you really don't like something, change it if you can. If you truly can't change it (such as your height) find the beauty in it.

Stop blaming and complaining. To complain and blame means to not responsibility for what is happening in your life. People who often complain try to build themselves up by putting other people down. There is nothing self-confident about that at all. It's the easy way out and solves nothing.

Recognize the "dark side" of perfectionism. Striving for greatness is a wonderful trait, but if you try to be perfect you'll paralyze yourself just as with all-or-nothing thinking. Also, it's possible to use perfectionism to get out of personal responsibility. If you set your sights on an objective you cannot achieve, it becomes easy to say "well, I couldn't get that far so I gave up". All failure begins with quitting.

Stop using excuses to let yourself lack self-confidence. All you're doing is slowly killing yourself and avoiding your duty to your own self.

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate tocontact me :

Ambition And it's Driving Force !!!

Ambition! Success! What exactly do these words mean to you-because without one you can't have the other. The mere impelling force to struggle and exert for anything we desire to accomplish is as strong and powerful as our will to survive. Ambition is what drives you to dream, strive and reach for the things in your life that are significant or essential to you. It can be your loving family, your stable career, or simply the life you live-the driving ambition to pursue and eventually attain the things you want will help you push forward to your success. Most people can go on through daily life only existing.

By merely existing, it is not living and definitely not enjoying the journey of life. But they seldom come to realize that they actually do have what it really takes to be successful and fulfilled until their own ambition kicks in to finally motivate them and give them a wake up call. Fortunately, there are also some people that live for the challenge and competition to dare them along the way. Because they know and fully understand well that whenever you constantly strive in desiring to accomplish anything, the win is even all the more meaningful and much more felt.

There is actually a series of audio books based on the works of Dr. Orison Sweet Marden. Entitled, "A Leadership Series for Successful Living," it is a very useful tool to enable you realize the success and driven ambition that everybody is hoping and struggling for. The narrator and editor of the life-changing audio series is Richard Gorham, and has developed a way of bringing you the key in handling and managing your own success. Dr. Orison Sweet Marden-although he is no longer living, his practical solutions for trying to live a fulfilling life would live on for more generations to come.

A more meaningful relationship with friends and family would be yours when you utilize these classic methods that are contained in their series of audio books. Eventually, you would learn how to handle those things that endanger to weaken your ultimate goal-success. This set of audio books will really get you on the right track by helping you to figure out what you truly want to do with your life, to setting goals and to ultimately reach your ambition. Over a hundred years ago Dr. Orison Sweet Marden wrote a book entitled, "Pushing to the Front." This book is as relevant and applicable today as it was then.

Concentrating instead on using the mindset of 'I would', 'I could', ad 'I must' rather than 'I won't', 'I can't', and 'I will but'-would truly make a whole new difference to what you would end up doing in your life. When you begin to use the set of audio books in managing and taking control of your life, you would be setting a series of happenings into motion that will enable you to be happier and successful and then create and develop a zest for living that you haven't felt for so long. Then the success and ambition that had been missing will be restored.

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate to
contact me :

Use You Motivation To Your Advantage

The basic definition of motivation is "inspiration, stimulus or incentive." Motivation has also been called an internal need or desire that induces a person to take action. Interestingly, motivation can be either positive or negative, as well as a very subtle or of a more tangible quality. Understanding motivation, your own and that of others, is important. Once you learn what drives you, how and why, you will have more power over yourself. Some of the most basic motivations of human beings are quite obvious. People feel hungry and so they eat. People feel bored so they seek stimulation. People feel lonely, so they seek out companionship, perhaps even a romantic partner. There are also other perceivable motivations, such as the pursuit of wealth, an interest in hobbies and art, and the quest for spiritual fulfillment. Some of the more subtle motivations of people may include altruism, morality or a sense of familial responsibility.

Where Motivation Begins

Plunging deeper into the theory of motivation, we find there are several schools of thought as to how motivation begins. Some believe that aside from fulfilling base urges, motivation is based on a system of reward and reinforcement. When a parent rewards a child with something tangible or intangible (a gift or a happy tone of voice) then the child has learned that this specific action reaps benefits, they become trained. They associate positive meaning with the behavior. This is the same system used to train animals. When a child is young and has little logical comprehension, then this strategy may be effective. However, as he or she grows up, more progression is needed beyond positive or negative reinforcement.

Some believe this reward-based system eventually evolves into a system of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Some extrinsic rewards are still largely the same, such as praise from others or wealth; however, now more emphasis is given to intrinsic rewards or internal benefits. For example, the feeling of satisfaction that comes from helping others or the sense of accomplishment you get from completing a task or achieving a goal. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations become more complicated when you consider that there are motivations based on enjoyment as well as obligation. Obligation is motivation based on what a person thinks he or she ought to be doing. This is deeper motivation, one initially taught by a system of rewards, but one that also progresses into a logical process as the child grows older.

As the child grows into an adult they will find their place in a chosen community. This may be a work office, a church group, or a large family. As their knowledge and experience increases, they may find more altruistic motivations in themselves. Thought they might join a group with the hope of belonging, in time they adopt the mission of the group; and most organizations, professional or otherwise, have altruistic objectives.

Another system of motivation to consider is that of coercion, or the act of compelling one to act by force of authority. Most families do use some sort of system based on coercion, and society also sees coercion at the hands of larger authority figures, such as the government, school systems, and jail systems. Coercion is so impacting that it can often times override other systems of motivation. Interestingly, some individuals have found that using a type of coercion-based learning system on themselves has produced some favorable results. It's the basic principle of getting "tough on yourself", limiting your "reward" time based upon performance, and setting a rigid schedule that cannot be broken.

What Motivation Means To You

Ultimately, a person's motivation, wherever it comes from, will drive him or her to great success or greater failure. If you sense that your inner motivation causes negative effects, or inhibits you from trying to reach out for more, then perhaps it's time to reevaluate your system of learning. The most successful people in life are motivated. Motivation directly leads to a person taking action.

Usually, a person reacts to overwhelming motivation by setting goals. At first the goals are small but always heading in the same path. Next, the motivated person learns more about the subject of interest, while setting greater goals. Finally, the successful person finishes all projects as planned. This may be what separates the dreamers from the professionals. It's the motivation to see a plan through. Learn how to modify your motivating factors and how to capitalize on all opportunities. Enjoy the feeling you have when you apply your motivation and be even more successful in life.

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate to
contact me :
New Year , New Thoughts, new You.

Welcome to 2009 and to your new beginning! We may not have had a great beginning, but the good news is that we can begin again. A new year is the perfect time to begin again. Remember as a child there were "do overs'? well, you can do over what you want. Leave those things that no longer serve you, or those people and things that are toxic to your spirit. Take whatever lessons and blessings they were put into your life to teach, then let them go. Easier said that done? Of course, everything is. But remember, this is your "one wild and precious life", as the poet Mary Oliver wrote; and if you work it right, one life is all you need. You don't get a do over in this arena. So create the life you want now.

One of the things that many struggle with every new year are those resolutions. New Year's resolutions. Who thought that up, anyway? It might not be such a terrible idea, if they worked properly; or, were taught properly. First of all, I am one who redefines things that just don't work for me. So, I do not make New Year's resolutions, I create new intentions for the year. I also make it fun, not as if it were a chore or drudgery. This is not conducive to the manifestation of those intentions. I choose the feeling I want to feel for this year. Mine is peaceful. How and why a feeling?

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth." - Benjamin Disreali

What are your intentions? What would be your resolutions, if you will? Okay, got it? Now, how would you feel if you accomplished those intentions? Elated? Joyous? Proud? Loved? Exhilarated? Play out that feeling. Feel it in all its passion and intensity. This is the feeling you want to stay with this year. When you begin from that feeling, your actions will follow. Do whatever you need to get and keep that feeling. You also want this feeling in all areas of your life, not merely your business, or just your finances, or just your spiritual life. You are one integrated being. You are not split into many different parts that will feel elated in your business, but miserable in your relationships. Bring that feeling into your whole life.

Set your intention around that feeling. In order to maintain your chosen feeling, you must think the thoughts that are in alignment with the feeling. Remember, happy thoughts, bring happy feelings; peaceful thoughts, bring peaceful feelings, and in turn happy and peaceful results in your life. This is where you must exercise your most powerful tool - your power to choose. You do not have to think every thought that pops into your head. Yes, you cannot help the thoughts that come in, but your can control the ones that stay and set up house. Which thoughts are you entertaining on a regular basis? Your mind is your most valuable piece of real estate; what are you allowing to take up residence there?

I am a self professed "re" person. I re-define my terms; I re-fresh my soul; I re-new my mind; I re-charge my body; I re-ignite my passion. It is my version of the "do over." I dare say that most of us are "re" people. I find that I cannot settle for less than I deserve. Yes, there will be times when I have to be in the wilderness to re-charge and re-learn some things. But I don't make it my permanent home. I take the lessons and the blessings, pick up my make-shift bed and move on. This has been one of the most difficult, yet most valuable lessons I have had to learn. When it is time to let things and people go, we must let them go. They only came to teach or be taught something of value. We don't really lose people or things; we receive the blessing from them, then they must go. But we have gained.

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"You want to control your life? Control the only thing you can control: the meaning you give something."
- Anthony Robbins

One of the things to re-do in our lives is the way we make meaning of things. We are meaning-making machines to be sure, but how do we assign meaning? Remember the meaning you assign a situation is what will give it life. Yes, read that line again. The meaning you assign a situation is what will give it life, thus showing up as the results in your life. If I assign a certain meaning to money, for instance; my personal favorite is money and spirituality cannot mix or co-exist. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this one. So, of course, ministers, preachers and other spiritual-preneurs are supposed to be dirt poor. I grew up on this one; and although I didn't originally assign the meaning to this one, I adopted it and made it my own. This was one I chose to keep and continue to assign the same un-serving meaning to it.

This year, I have re-assigned the meaning of money and spirituality: money is energy to use in the service of spiritual-preneurs to accomplish their divine purpose. Money is not this precious green stuff to be admired and hoarded only by the chosen few. I love the line from Hello, Dolly! where Dolly quotes her late husband Ephraim: "Money is like manure; it is to be spread around and used to make things grow!" This is one of the re-definitions I am adopting this new year.

So, for this new year, renew your mind, redefine your terms, and re-invent your assigned meanings; especially the ones that just aren't working anymore. Re-examine what isn't working for you and re-set your scales. You will find that it does bring new life into those damp and dark crevices without completely having to spend a fortune on an entire body overhaul. Feel your chosen feeling, make new meanings, re-ignite your passion and create your best life. A blessed and purposeful New Year to you!

"Your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be." - Raymond Charles Barber

Ps If i can be of any help in anyway please don't hesitate to
contact me :

About Me

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My name is Andrew Simpson and I am a Success Coach, teacher/trainer, Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur. I have been a business owner for more than 20 years (5 years online).One of my most lucrative only 18 months ago. I have been approached by several independent organization to help them with there plights to create money in the quickest time possible i.e. £100'000.00 in 7 days Ethical Business Challenge 2009 about half way down the page. Over 14 years ago I began my career as a Salesman and Marketing expert. Five years ago I’d had enough of the everyday slog and made the decision to apply all the knowledge that I had gained over the years into something that would benefit me directly, I resigned from my ‘day job’ and with courage and determination have set up my own super successful home business. Are YOU Ready? "YOU" are the most powerful tool to make it happen... Leaders are developed by enthusiasm and present their business by example. Spectators create unproductive habitual patterns, manifesting fear, watch and eventually fade away. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what".